Sunday, December 7, 2008


For the past several years I used a white pre-lite outdoors tree for my Christmas Tree. It had white lights and no needles and I LOVED it because all my ornaments could be displayed without being hidden from the needles. Well........she bite the dust. Lights wouldn't work so I trashed her. This year I pulled this tree out from the back of the closet and set it up and all my ornaments are crammed on it with a couple strands of lights and I am NOT in love with it. I MISS my white tree with no needles.
My Dream Tree would be one of those Upside Down trees. Hopefully I will be able to find one really cheap after Christmas. I don't pay full price for ANYTHING! Too bad I can't get one at CVS with ECB's!!!
I collect Christmas Mice ornaments and I have also started a collection of Snowmen and Santas. I LOVE Christmas ornaments.
Last year I bought, on sale and on clearance, my little Snow Family and this year they are living under my tree. I LOVE them. They are so cute.
I can usually get all my Christmas decorating done in one day but this year it took me three days. In between being sick and just getting older and slower I didn't think I would ever get through. Now that it up we are really enjoying it. Love to sit at night with only the Christmas lights on. So many memories start rolling in. Christmas makes me feel like a kid again.


Nanci said...

I love you snowmen!!!

Shionge said...

I can see that Christmas is in the air Vickie :D